Conflicts of interest
In accordance with the valid legal regulations according to (EU) 596/2014 in connection with DelVO (EU) 2016/ 958 the following conflicts of interest applicable to B. Metzler seel. Sohn & Co. AG including its affiliates (in summary "Metzler") exist with the Companies and related securities named here:
1. Metzler, a company affiliated with Metzler and/or a person that has worked on compiling this report holds shares exceeding 5% of the total issued share capital in the issuer.
2. Metzler and/or a company affiliated with Metzler holds shares of this issuer in its trading portfolios.
- Deutsche Post AG
- Volkswagen AG
3. Metzler, a company affiliated with Metzler and/or a person that has worked on compiling this report has been responsible or partly responsible for the offering of the issuer’s financial instruments in the past twelve months.
- ABO Energy GmbH & Co. KGaA
4. Metzler, a company affiliated with Metzler and/or a person that has worked on compiling this report is a market maker or liquidity provider for the issuer’s financial instruments.
5. Metzler and/or a company affiliated with Metzler holds a net short or long position of more than 0.5% of total issued share capital in the issuer.
6. Metzler, a company affiliated with Metzler and/or a person that has worked on compiling this report has reached an agreement with the issuer in the past twelve months about the provision of investment services according to appendix I section A and B of guideline 2014/65/EU by the European Parliament and the Council or there was an obligation to pay or receive compensation within the same timeframe based on the same guideline.
- ABO Energy GmbH & Co. KGaA
- BayWa AG
7. Metzler and/or a company affiliated with Metzler expects the company to pay remuneration for the provision of investment services in the next three months according to appendix I section A and B of guideline 2014/65/EU by the European Parliament and the Council.
- ABO Energy GmbH & Co. KGaA
8. A member of the management board or staff member at Metzler and/or a company affiliated with Metzler is a member of the issuer’s Supervisory Board or other body.
- Deutsche Bank AG
- Deutsche Börse AG
- DWS Group GmbH & Co. KGaA
- Fraport AG
9. A staff member of the issuer is a member of Metzler’s and/or a Metzler-affiliated company’s Supervisory Board or Advisory Council.
10. A Metzler analyst responsible for covering the issuer or a person involved in producing the recommendation holds financial instruments of the issuer or has other interests in the issuer that could give rise to conflicts of interest.
11. Metzler, a company affiliated with Metzler or a person that has worked on compiling this report has other significant financial interests involving the issuer.
12. A person closely associated with the analyst holds financial instruments of the issuer or has other interests in the issuer that could give rise to conflicts of interest.
13. Metzler, a company affiliated with Metzler and/or a person that has worked on compiling this report has reached an agreement with the issuer relating to the production of investment recommendations.
- 2G Energy AG
- ABO Energy GmbH & Co. KGaA
- BayWa AG
- Branicks Group AG
- Cherry SE
- Datagroup SE
- Delticom AG
- Energiekontor AG
- Formycon AG
- Hornbach Holding AG & Co. KGaA
- Katjesgreenfood GmbH & Co. KG
- Masterflex SE
- SFC Energy AG
- SMA Solar Technologies AG
- The Platform Group AG
14. The analyst who produced the recommendation or a person involved in producing the recommendation received or acquired shares of the issuer at a price of […] prior to their public offering on […].
Additional information is available upon request.